Attend In-Person at 108 Pinesbridge Road • Ossining, NY
Click here to attend the platform meeting via Zoom
Sunday, March 23rd, at 11:00 AM:
In this dark time of political danger Ethical Culture must remain a militant advocate for democracy, freedom and social justice. At the same time, it cannot neglect the values and relations that define Ethical Culture as a distinct organization that ensure that it is worth preserving. This address will outline and argue for an Ethical Culture that is defined by the obligations that we have to one another and will make our communities stronger, more meaningful for ourselves and attractive to others.
Dr. Joe Chuman activist, educator, writer and retired ethical leader. Former leader for New York Society for Ethical Culture and the Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County, he is now completely retired after a career of 55 years. Joe has written scores of articles for newspapers, journals encyclopedias and books. His text “Speaking of Ethics” is a series of essays based on Ethical Culture platform addresses. For the past three years, Joe has written more than a hundred extensive essays on Substack on current political, social and philosophical issues.