“Chronicles” by Bob Dylan has been selected for the next meeting, Jan. 17th at 7:30 pm. Publishers Weekly has this to say: “after a career of principled coyness, Dylan takes pains to outline the growth of his artistic conscience in this superb memoir. Writing in a language of cosmic hokum and street-smart phrasing, he lingers not on moments of success and celebrity, but on the crises of his intellectual development. disorient myself.” Dylan emphasizes that he was ‘indifferent to wealth and love………… Ultimately, this book will stand as a record of a young man’s self-education, as contagious in its frank excitement as the letters of John Keats and as sincere in its ramble as Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, to which Dylan frequently refers. A person of Dylan’s stature could have gotten away with far less; that he has been so thoughtful in the creation of this book is a measure of his talents, and a gift to his fans.”
The meeting place will be announced soon. For further information, call ESNW at 914-941-3544.