Continuing our theme of “sports” the Bookmarkers choice for our June 21st meeting is Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod by Gary Paulsen.
Publisher’s Weekly Review: The scene was unnerving to a novice: television cameras, loudspeakers, crowds and nearly 2000 excited dogs all jammed a street in downtown Anchorage. It was the start of the Iditarod dogsled race from Anchorage to Nome over 1180 miles of rugged terrain. Paulsen had run dogs in Minnesota, but was woefully unprepared in 1983 for his first Iditarod and for conditions in Alaska. After getting lost with his 15-dog team in Anchorage at the start, he and the dogs later took a wrong turn again, adding 120 miles to the journey. Attacked by a moose, suffering frostbite and sleeplessness, he completed the race in 17 days and was eager to run another. Paulsen presents a fine depiction of the landscape and of dogs at work in this gripping story of adventure and endurance. It is non-fiction, 798.8PAU.
We will meet on June 21, at 7:30 at a private home. Please call the Ethical Society at 914-941-3544 for more information.