Sunday Dec. 4th we will have a special guest, Dr. Leslie Henderson, Dept. of Psychology & Neurobiology, Dartmouth, who will also be our Sunday Platform speaker. https://geiselmed.dartmouth. edu/henderson/people/ principal_investigator/
Leslie focuses her research on the effects of steroids on the brain. She has suggested the following reading:
- The Sports Illustrated article on hyperandrogenic women in the Olympics, “Is it fair for Caster Semenya to compete against women at the Rio Olympics?”
- Stephen Ungerleider’s book on forced doping of athletes in the GDR; available on Amazon, but as you’ll see it doesn’t get a great review, so it is optional.
- Though not relevant to steroid abuse, a book that addresses medical ethics, steroids and gender identity is John Colapinto’s about David Reimer: “As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl”; also an optional read.