UPSTANDER Training, Dec. 2 10am, Action on Inclusion & Race
What would you do..... if you saw someone on the street harassing a single mom and her baby, complete with yells of "Go … [Read more...]
“Dear White People”, Dec. 2nd, 7pm
This original film version of the subsequent Netflix series is a somewhat controversial presentation of racism on a … [Read more...]
Brain Group, Dec. 3rd, 1pm
We'll be discussing Sapolsky's "Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst" Chapters 7 & 8. … [Read more...]
Documentary on modern women’s movement at Ossining Public Library Documentary, Dec. 5, 6:30pm
There will be a showing of the documentary, “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry,” about the modern women’s movement … [Read more...]