Attend In-Person at 108 Pinesbridge Road • Ossining, NY
Click here to attend the platform meeting via Zoom
This Sunday, January 7th at 11:00 AM:
The recent history of Western civilization has emphasized the development of individualism. This has expanded possibilities for personal freedom; undergirded the notion of persons as possessing inalienable rights; and fostered the modern emphasis on developing and expressing our personal uniqueness. It has also come at the expense of complementary understandings of human relatedness, solidarity, and interdependence. How can we reimagine collective life in ways that more greatly enhance the possibilities for personal and social flourishing?
Seth Zuihō Segall is a Zen Buddhist priest and clinical psychologist. He teaches at Pamsula Zen of Westchester and is a contributing editor for Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. His recent books include The House We Live In: Virtue, Wisdom, and Pluralism (2023) and Buddhism and Human Flourishing (2020).