Sunday, August 15 at 11:00 AM:
It is our turn to offer a Sunday Platform to the cooperating regional Societies which have been sharing Sunday meetings all summer. We are delighted that Carl Romano will offer his address on music and welcome all members and friends (and friends of friends) to enjoy his moving and informative thoughts.
Music according to Carl, lives within us. It is deeply embedded in our brains and our bodies. Music moves us – to sing, to dance, most importantly to feel. The origins of speech likely are to be found in musical utterances. The bonds of community are strengthened by music, for example religious traditions utilize music as part of holy ceremonies. ESNW’s Carl Romano offers a highly personal reflection on music—its history, its uses, and a bit of the biology of music. Everyone (well, almost everyone actually) enjoys music, so join us this Sunday and “Let the Music Move You!”