This Sunday, July 23, Karin Krueger, Roy Byrd and Bob Rosenbloom will lead a discussion on “Reparations and the African-American Community: Are They The Appropriate Response to Slavery, Jim Crow, and systemic racism? Should the AEU Take a Stance in this Debate?”
A Resolution on “Toward Repairing the Harm of Racism” was adopted at the recent AEU Assembly with the request that Societies discuss it. One of several workshops on racism raised the issue of reparations. Below are links to the Resolution and relevant articles: 2016 Atlantic article by Ta-Nehisi Coates criticizing Bernie Sander’s stance against reparations, 2014 Kevin Williamson of the National Review critiquing an earlier Atlantic article.
o If you wish to read Coates original (longer) article arguing for reparations, here’s a link:
This Sunday’s meeting is a trial discussion. We will seek advice for how to broaden the discussion to ESNW at large, as called for in the AEU resolution.