As Bob Berson previously announced, we’re going to have three summer sessions again this year. They’ll be on the following dates: July 9, July 23 and August 6.
On July 9, Anne Cunney will lead a discussion on Narrative Medicine, whose original intent was to focus on helping physicians listen more attentively to patients – thus improving their care. However, the field has now expanded in a way that can be applied to all walks of life and situations. As we get closer to the date, Anne will provide us more information on the subject as well as some discussion questions we might consider that Sunday.
OnJuly 23, Karin Krueger, Roy Byrd and Bob Rosenbloom will lead a discussion on Reparations and the African American Community, a much debated subject of late, as well as one that the AEU leadership is itself currently discussing as one of the appropriate responses to racism in American society. Again, Karin, Roy and Bob will provide more information on the subject as the date of the meeting approaches.
An exciting set of topics for July, but we still lack a leader and a topic for a discussion on August 6. If you’d be interested in leading the August conversation, please get in touch with Bob Rosenbloom at Remember, discussion leaders don’t have to prepare a lecture; rather, they need only select a topic likely to provoke discussion, prepare a few discussion questions to distribute ahead of time, find a couple of short readings on the topic that can also be distributed ahead of time and then lead the discussion on the day of the meeting.